Bradbury’s is committed to forefront leadership within the food processing industry to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment. We will ensure that we are conforming to the company’s long-term objectives and will maintain customer satisfaction to the highest level whilst continuing to develop the business, ever mindful of the impact it could make on the environment.
Our commitments are:
• To implement a documented Environmental Management System which relates to all key areas of environmental issues and to review at least annually
• To establish Environmental Objectives to measure, monitor and continually improve to reduce our environmental impact and performance
• To meet or exceed all the environmental legislation relating to the company and our operations
• To minimise waste by evaluating our operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
• To minimise energy consumption and effectively reduce our carbon footprint
• To educate, train and motivate employees, at all levels, in environmental responsibility and awareness
• To actively promote recycling internally and amongst our customers and suppliers to ensure supply chain sustainability
To meet our commitments, Bradbury’s will:
• Regularly measure, monitor and review our environmental impact and performance to continually reduce and improve our effect on the environment
• Include our environmental targets and key objectives within Senior Management reviews to reinforce our dedication to environmental improvement and to ensure effective direction and implementation is taken
• Communicate and encourage all staff, customers and suppliers to be actively involved in reducing and improving the environmental impact through the medium of an established Environmental Management Team, regular updates in our Weekly Good News, visibility on our website and to ensure relevant training be readily available to all staff
• Sourcing environmentally friendly substances whenever possible and welcoming suppliers whose activities are compatible with our policy for protecting the environment