Arrigoni is one of the most prestigious companies in the dairy and cheese industry, an all-round force from both a production as well as sales and marketing viewpoint.
This highly intricate structure has enabled Arrigoni to become a front-line player in the Italian cheese industry, asserting its position as market leader in Taleggio and taking on a role as reference point both in the production of traditional cheeses such as Gorgonzola, Crescenza and Quartirolo Lombardo, as well as in product innovation and research. The strong point that has enabled us to achieve such results over the years is undoubtedly the use of a complete supply chain:from the raw material to the finished product, from the land and farms to packaging and sales strategies.
The mission of Arrigoni has always been seen as inextricably linked to the values of people, with the quality of the product as the ultimate goal, but also the quality of relationships, choices, and the overall relationship with all its stakeholders.
The mission and values of Arrigoni are now lived daily by all the people that make up the enterprise. The largest capital at the disposal of the company today is its human resource, people who make the Brand live and uphold the value of quality, fueled by passion.